Costa Rica’s president with historic popular support

SAN JOSE, July 16 (Prinsa Latina) The President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chavez, today enjoys historic support from Costa Rica, with 91.7 percent of those interviewed by OPol Consultores backed the president’s administration.

After two months in office, the president of this Central American country has never before had such a high level of popular support for his work, which many in opinion attribute to his firm stance, something Costa Ricans have wanted for years, particularly around the world. the scientist. Counter attacks by major media and oligarchic groups.

For El Mundo newspaper, between the 12th and 15th of this month, OPol Consultores interviewed 1,200 adults, with a margin of error of +/- 2.8%.

To a question: Do you support the administration of President Rodrigo Chavez? 91.7 percent answered yes, 5.1 percent no, while 3.2 percent do not know or do not answer.

Regarding the question, how do you rate the work of President Rodrigo Chavez in the first two months of his administration? It was rated by 47.4 percent as very good/excellent, 39 percent as good, 11.8 percent as acceptable, 1.6 percent as poor, and 0.2 percent as bad/very poor.

Behind Chavez, Pilar Cisneros, who has 74.7 percent of positive opinions, and 11 percent of negative opinions, and Health Minister Jocelyn Chacon, with 71.9 percent of positive opinions and 9.4 percent of negative opinions.

rgh / ale

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