COSCYT invites you to participate in 2022 Science Expo

Aimed at all girls, boys and young adults between the ages of 5 and 23 who are studying in Baja California Sur

the Northwest Biological Research Center (CIBNOR) by A program for the science approach to education (PACE), and Southern California Council on Science and Technology (COSCYT), as well as governmental secretariats, higher educational institutions, movements and institutes, invite all girls, boys and young people between the ages of 5 and 23, studying in Baja California Sur and interested in the development and presentation of scientific sciences and artistic projects, to participate in the Expo Ciencias Sudcaliforniana 2022, in its qualification The municipality that will be held during the month of May.

Science Fair is an annual event organized by National Network of Youth Activities in Science and Technology In order to promote the participation of girls, boys and youth through scientific, technical, research, innovative and dissemination projects; It also allows the participation of public and private educational institutions and companies, as well as publishers and educators.

Derived from the above Southern California Council on Science and Technology (COSCYT) that in this ninth case of Southern California Science Fair The top-level projects selected from among the five municipalities of the state will be submitted, and then the best ones will be selected to represent them Baja California Sur at the 2022 San Luis Potosi National Science Fair.

To realize the science fair in the five municipalities of the state, you can learn about the different places and dates for participation, through the official portal of CIBNOR

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