Consulting citizens, practicing direct democracy: INE الديمقراطية

Mexico City.

INE advisor Yock Cape Espadas declared that consultation is an exercise in direct democracy, and cannot be a political circus.

In an interview with Yuriria Sierra, for Imagen Noticias, he stressed that the exercise of citizenship on August 1 “has great political significance because it is the first time in the history of Mexico that there has been a popular consultation, at the national level, on the basis of the rules and laws approved by Congress, i.e. It is a consultation with full legal support that has been officially conducted, and therefore it is the first time that the National Elections Institute has conducted a consultation of this magnitude and of course it will be the first time that the consultation has all the formalities that characterize the formal processes that the institute is developing.”

The chancellor emphasized that conducting direct democracy was a long-standing requirement in Mexican politics.

These mechanisms, citizens have said for decades, and that August 1 will be the first time a public consultation has taken place.

He clarified that the advisory did not mean that former presidents were actually subject to prosecution.

The focus of the query is not on any person or group of people. Consultations about what to consult focus on clarifying policy decisions in the past. That is, what was decided, why was decided, who decided it, what was the scope. This includes a variety of processes and of course includes a wide variety of actors, but it is not a question directed at any person, or group of people in particular.”

Uuc-Kib Espadas reiterated the question that will be on the ballot paper: “Do you agree or not that the relevant actions should be carried out in accordance with the constitutional and legal framework, to undertake the process of clarifying the political decisions taken in the years endorsed by political actors, with a view to ensuring justice and the rights of potential victims?” .

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He pointed out that the consultations go further in proving the condemnation of this or that decision and highlighted its usefulness.

I see a broader spectrum in consultation. That is, when we talk about clarifying political decisions, I, for example, want to know who made the government’s decision to suppress 1968 or Saqr in 1971. These are things that should be clarified, in my opinion, that the law does not need to be clarified, and the relevant political decision makers may not be alive at the time. the present. We want to put an end to these things that happened in the past, and decisions that were made in the past, so it would be appropriate not to continue investigating them.”

He specified that in the consultation there is a risk that there will be no legal repercussions: “This is a risk that exists in any popular consultation, that is, for the consultation to be valid according to the laws of Mexico it must be in at least 40% of those registered to vote. This means, with the current record, approximately than 37 million people”, he admitted.

Confidence in citizen participation was said on August 1.

It is social and civic mobilization of a new kind. The proximity to the elections makes me optimistic in terms of educating citizens about political issues and that this may be a motivator for more people to go to the polls to express their opinions.”

Finally, he decided that no one could force people to go to the polls.

Citizenship is what must fit into this democratic practice and something very important to point out, just as it has been a requirement for decades, it is also true that in Mexico we do not have a practice of using these tools. This is a great opportunity for citizens to begin exercising these new democratic mechanisms and a new way of making their decisions up to the state. In this sense, it seems to me that regardless of the question it is a practice of great importance.”

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