Condemn the unjustified charges in tuition fees at Colegio Ciencias de Cusco

Cosco. In the midst of the crisis due to the epidemic, it has been revealed that in some public schools they are charging unnecessary “voluntary” fees on new students. Apparently, this condition is promoted by parenting family associations (Apafa) and school guidance.

A particular case is the one presented in Glorious National College of Science Where will you be? Pay 250 inins for each student who enters. The event caught the attention of the Attorney General’s Office for Crime Prevention and Education authorities, so this institution will step in on Monday.

“Acceptance or registration of students cannot be conditional, it is not allowed.” Eduardo Poblet, Attorney General for Crime Prevention, said, “We will request documents to find out how the investment in the Abava charges was made last year in light of the fact that there were no face-to-face lessons.”

On the other hand, a statement was issued by Prof. Assumed Committee for New Parents of the School of Science, Indicates that the aforementioned fee is not an imposition but a decision by parents who land a vacancy for their children on the prestigious campus, the proceeds of which will be used for maintenance costs.

Faced with this statement, Prosecutor Poblet said that this method will be investigated and that there will be personalities who perform functions that do not concern them. Under what they do with these fees, the taxes are collected by the state, not the parent committees. What happens if the parent does not want to pay?

The Public Prosecution judge urged residents to denounce this type of incident, as it would not be the only case.

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