Concytec provides educational science resources to return to face-to-face lessons | News

Schoolchildren are back in the classroom face to face and Concytec takes this opportunity to provide information on 6 educational resources that will serve as a guide to enhance your knowledge, such as experiment kits, fun videos and learning sites. Likewise, you will be able to participate in science and technology clubs, and learn about the requirements to participate in the Eureka National Competition.

These educational alternatives will provide primary and secondary students with different content that contributes to their academic training and enhances their learning in different subjects in science: mathematics, computing, astronomy, programming, geography, chemistry and physics, as well as science experiments. And robots and much more.

Here are six helpful educational resources:

science and technology clubs

Students who are curious to experiment and share science and technology topics can form and register a club with Concytec. For this, it is recommended to consult with the science teacher if there is a teacher in the school and if he is not present, they can enter this Link And find club formation instructions. They can also send an email requesting an invitation to educational talks.

It should be noted that there are scientific and technological clubs that have already carried out various activities in recent years. Both teachers and students got acquainted with various virtual platforms and science simulators, attended workshops on programming, aviation, marine care and the environment, as well as contacting Peruvian scientists from different regions of the country.

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It’s a website that will save you in case you miss a math class. It offers you interesting videos for primary and secondary school students and even college students for free. It covers not only math topics but also science and computer videos. Check out more details in this Link.

Concytec STEM Observatory

it’s a index Where you will find links to more than 50 web pages with different content in astronomy, space science, science simulators, programming, geography, mathematics, chemistry, physics and much more. To facilitate the search, a search engine has been implemented that allows you to filter by topic, language and type of content. It is useful for schoolchildren and teachers.

the scientific experiments

For students who like to experiment in science, there are recommended websites like Space science And the children’s sciences. There you will find instructions for conducting interesting experiments using readily available materials.
Scientific groups provided by Czechinesia. These contain essential materials and instructions for school children to have a great time becoming investigators searching for relics, extracting fossils, generating light from a chemical reaction and much more.
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Five institutions hold workshops in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, programming, artificial intelligence, robotics, and more. There, students are instructed by experts to conduct experiments either virtually and/or in person. Learn more about this at Link.


It is aimed at schoolchildren with a competitive spirit and who would like to represent us at many international science fairs. The Eureka competition is held every year, and it consists of four stages and the last stage is at the national level where the student will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from different regions of the country. Find out the requirements and dates here.

Check out more news about science, technology and innovation at the Andean Agency.

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Publication date: 3/26/2022

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