Complementary Health Days –

Durango State Chiropractic and Complementary Therapies Consortium whose mission is to bring together and certify all of the various alternative medicine practitioners in our state to bring about the development of alternative medicine in Durango.

Seeks to inform the Durango community about the use and benefits of this type of medicine, giving recognition to chiropractors and various alternative medicine therapists who have participated in various alternative medicine health conferences which have been organized from 2019 to date all over the state and managed to serve more than 1000 An altruistic family, whose chief is chiropractor Mario Rene del Rio Martinez.

Their colleagues have been briefed on the 2023 Action Plan. They hope that in a short time they will put out a public and group call to join all alternative medicine practitioners in the state and they hope to get more support from our governments as well as from corporations and socially responsible entrepreneurs who want to do It is their duty to continue to help more people and we thank Hydro Motors, La Casa Del Te Nutritional Stores, Cypress Grill, Casa de la Salud Centro Chiropractor y de Terapias Alternativas and Consultant Alina Adame for their support in making the event.

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