COMPANY / WellWo and its Work Wellness Program, the great ally of companies when it comes to combating burnout

WellWo and the Wellness Program at Work, the great ally of companies when it comes to combating burnout

With the increasing responsibilities and rapid pace of today’s workplace, burnout is becoming more and more common and many people are experiencing its symptoms nowadays. Among them, the most common are chronic physical exhaustion, stress and anxiety.

In this context, institutional wellness is more necessary than ever, consisting of programs designed exclusively to improve the mental and physical health and well-being of workers at work. For example, WellWo is one of the current standards in the sector that can greatly help companies in the fight against burnout.


Although it seems like a simple word to define the physical and mental state at work, the truth is that it is a syndrome that has been studied by professionals, which has real implications for today’s employees. Specifically, burnout syndrome or burnout worker syndrome refers to a condition in which work stress becomes chronic, resulting in a state of fatigue and general exhaustion. This can affect workers in any business sector, especially those responsible for customer service. Among the most common symptoms are generalized and chronic physical and mental fatigue, marked decrease in motivation and work productivity, changes in mood and behavior, and increased absenteeism from work, among others. However, there are ways to effectively combat burnout and corporate wellness programs can be very beneficial and help achieve well-being at work.

WellWo and Corporate Wellness

WellWo is a company dedicated to developing and implementing comprehensive 360-degree health and wellness programs. Specifically, they are programs based on 6 basic pillars, namely physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social and financial health, which are achieved through the presentation of audiovisual content to promote healthy habits. Corporate Wellness, developed by this company, creates the right conditions to avoid burnout in the workplace, because by enjoying physical and mental well-being, motivation and a suitable work environment, the impact of stress is significantly reduced and avoided. emergence of the syndrome. But not only that, company wellness also reduces absenteeism, retains talent, improves work environment, increases team worker participation, increases motivation, and thus improves company results.

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There are now over 50,000 active users of WellWo services and many have expressed satisfaction with the results. Through its services, WellWo has proven itself as a great ally to all those companies that want to improve from within.

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