Comments: Oscars 2021: Criticism for Best Short Documentary “Colette” (YouTube)

British newspaper Watchman – Project product – released in Youtube This animated movie that won a statue of the Hollywood Academy on Sunday 25 April.

Colette: The French Resistance Fighter Against Fascism (UK – US / 2020). Screenplay and direction: Anthony Giacchino. Photography: Rose Bush. Editing: Aaron Matthews. Music: Nami Melomad. Duration: 25 minutes.

Colette Marin Catherine is a French from another generation. Lucy Vobel, a 17-year-old student of history, has convinced her to travel to Germany for the first time. More precisely, to the lands of the Mittelbao-Dora concentration camp, where his brother Jean-Pierre was murdered three quarters of a century ago.

The old woman had always refused any form of “horror tourism”, but the idea of ​​honoring her brother (the young man who fought in the French Resistance, and as soon as he was captured, was deported to that camp that housed more than 60,000 prisoners. 20,000 dead) by making the journey from Caen To Nordhausen.

The emotional impact the trip has on her is immediate. At one point, the mayor of that German city made a guilty speech and abbreviated it. You don’t feel good, you don’t want to keep listening. Demagogic aside, Colette and young Lucy will find a strange relationship despite a profound generational difference and will inevitably accompany each other in a painful euphoria.

The stories of Colette’s life (she is also associated with resistance), Jean-Pierre, the concentration camp and the crimes of Nazism are reconstructed with memories of the protagonist and the use of archival material ranging from intimate to heartbreaking. It is a simple and elaborate documentary, created with nobility and sensitivity by American filmmaker Anthony Giacchino that Watchman Funded with voluntary contributions from its readers. The reward was less than an Academy Award. mission accomplished.

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