College of Science in Cordoba

After a few years in the veterinary science basements, the sciences moved to the facilities that today occupy the Faculty of Education Sciences.

After a few years in the veterinary science basements, the sciences moved to the facilities that today occupy the Faculty of Education Sciences.
Sanchez Moreno

In 1971 attached to the College of Seville University College of Sciences, what was it germ college of science who was born with University of Cordoba With studies of biology and chemistry. In its early days, the college was located in the basement of an old veterinary college and will remain there for more than a decade. new building, which currently includes the College of Education Sciences, It was opened in November 1984 He remained there until approximately the end of 2000, the year he moved to the Rabanales University campus, its present location. During those 16 years, the Faculty of Science has incorporated Biochemistry, Environmental Science and Physics studies, which are currently taught as undergraduate studies, thus enhancing its teaching activity.

In that time period, the college “has enhanced its distinctive footprint, quality of teaching and very intense research activity,” noted its dean, Maria Paz Aguilar, who noted this through Transfer to Campus Rabanales “The College is integrated into a more open global interdisciplinary space that has allowed for the exchange of knowledge and the development of joint initiatives among researchers from the four centers in which they coexist.”


In the College of Science More than 6,500 specialists graduated in the scientific field, both old and new grades it imparts. “Our center’s interest in the academic and professional guidance of our graduates is ongoing, and every academic year we organize different training workshops, usually in the spring, the Employment Forum, called UCOCiencias Impulsa,” says Aguilar.

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«The Faculty of Science owns Unique and critical spirit which are transferred to our students in classrooms, labs, and field trips,” says its dean, who highlights the faculty’s “highly creative profile, motivated by scientific curiosity and advocacy for real problem solving.”

The defining characteristic of the College of Science is clearly its “great research career at all levels. It is not surprising that some of the professors in the College have received awards on a large scale for their research activity,” highlights Maria Paz Aguilar.

Maria Paz Aguilar highlights the good working environment among the faculty.

It is worth highlighting global perspective That center since its inception. “Our researchers have been doing great for years and represent the Faculty of Science in top-ranked international research centers and universities. This work has permeated the younger generations, and indeed, the Faculty of Science is an international benchmark in various fields. ”

“The scientific environment in the Faculty of Sciences is in a constant state of boiling,” confirms Dean Aguilar, who insists that “from the Faculty of Sciences, we are already working on the continuous updating of our degrees, so that they are very competitive in training, labor introduction and internationalization.”

a celebration

hold this 50th Anniversary It began during the work of San Alberto Magno with a conference entitled Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism, presented by Professor José Juan Aguilar Gavilan. After Christmas, there will be a series of seminars related to professionals who were once undergraduate students.

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It will be during 2022 when most commemorative activities, which will include official institutional works as well as other works of an academic nature in which the research activity of the members of this faculty is disseminated, “so that the citizens of Córdoba can learn more about the work and role of our specialists in society”, says Maria Paz Aguilar, who declared that, except for events Unexpectedly, next year 2022, the University of Cordoba will be able to start its undergraduate studies in the field of biotechnology.

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