College of Medicine, a leader in training health professionals

The Autonomous University of Sinaloa College of Medicine (UAS) continues as Pioneering training for health professionalsd, by approving the educational quality of the general medicine degree program before the Mexican Council for Accreditation of Medical Education AC (comaime).

Reaccreditation granted by said evaluation body places the Academic Unit and the Maximum House of Studies in Sinaloa as one of the Best Institutions With an academic offer Quality Based on forefrontThe educational institution stated in a statement, by offering its students training of high standards in administrative processes and, above all, in teaching and learning processes.

This recognition also represents support in the process of training students, as it ensures, from the classrooms of the institution, young people who have Comprehensive professional overviewWith a social commitment capable of responding to the challenges and demands of the state, the nation and the world.

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This training is offered thanks to the fact that the institution has been interested and busy in providing its students with the development of skills and abilities, through different scenarios in which they can apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom, such as the Clinical Simulation Center in the Faculty of Medicine.

This avant-garde work, which came into effect in 2011, with the goal of supporting quality health education, has allowed hundreds of students to replicate medical situations that could happen in real life in an interactive and moderated way, through the Seven. Stations equipped with the latest technology, helping physicians train for modern and high-impact training in the field of health.

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The foregoing reveals the academic quality with which health professionals are trained and puts the UAS School of Medicine in a position to pursue international accreditation, which will become one of the first in the country to obtain it, translating into benefits in favor of a graduation as it is recognition of the quality that underpins it during The period of his stay in any medical unit.

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