Climate change psychologist Elke Weber wins Frontiers of Knowledge in the Social Sciences Prize

The BBVA Foundation announced on Wednesday that it had awarded an award To the psychologist Elke Weber, In the Humanities and Social Sciences category, the Frontiers of Knowledge award for studying “environmental decision-making and human responses to climate change from an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on psychology, neuroscience, behavioral economics, sociology and environmental science.”

The jury valued his contributions to the ideas that extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, are more likely to motivate people to act than climate change as a general concept; that it Fear or guilt Because of climate change, there are feelings that will not mobilize people, because what is needed is “encouraging sustainable responses” and not feelings that people tend to reject; Having direct personal experience with the negative impact of climate change has a much greater mobilizing impact than mere statistics about global warming.

BBVA highlighted her “also an influential environmental policy advisor who participates widely in forums such as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)” and her “ability to draw and use ideas from a wide range of disciplines.” to Put it into practice “to consistent actions that benefit everyone.”

The award-winning scholar was nominated by Susan Fiske, holder of the Eugene Higgins Chair in Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton University and winner of the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences; Simon Asher Levin, James S. McDonnell Distinguished Scholar in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University and winner of the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology.

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These BBVA Foundation Awards are endowed with a sum of €400,000 and “recognize and encourage contributions of unique impact in science, technology, humanities and music, especially those that significantly extend the scope of what is known in the discipline, highlight new areas or build bridges between different disciplinary areas.” The organization indicated.

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