Claro Sports has announced its alliance with Prime Video through which a wide range of sports content will be available through Prime Video Channels, including all Olympic content, as well as football broadcasts from the Mexican League, the 2021-2022 Bundesliga, American football and the US College Basketball, as well as MMA fighting.
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As part of this alliance, since February 4, the audience of Prime Video, through the Claro Sports signal on Prime Video channels, will be able to enjoy special programs for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, as well as episodes of the Olympic Channel and sports capsules. .
José Antonio Abumorad, CEO of Claro Sports said: “We are very pleased to have reached this agreement with Amazon Prime Video, which has established itself as one of the premier platforms for on-demand content with high-value content for its audience and which now they will have as great a sports option as Claro Sports.” .
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Claro Sports programming will be available through a subscription to Prime Video Channels, so customers can quickly access content through their favorite devices.
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