Civil aviation enhances air services by signing six agreements with countries in Europe and Latin America

  • Agreements were signed with Germany, Belize, Chile, Spain, Latvia and the Dominican Republic, within the framework of the ICAN2021 event.
  • Five Memoranda of Understanding were also signed with Germany, Belize, Latvia, the United Kingdom and the Dominican Republic.
  • The negotiations reached will allow the country to continue with the goal of attracting tourists affected by the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to promote exclusive freight operations.
  • The Director General of Civil Aviation said that the agreements reached enhance air operations with different countries, expand borders and simplify air services, giving passengers new options for travel.

After intense rounds of negotiations, the Civil Aviation Technical Council (CETAC) and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) have reached a series of agreements and memoranda of understanding that will make it possible to enhance air services in the country.

These are six agreements with Germany, Belize, Chile, Spain, Latvia and the Dominican Republic.

Similarly, five Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with Germany, Belize, Latvia, the United Kingdom and the Dominican Republic.

Negotiations were completed at ICAN2021, which was held in Bogota, Colombia, from 6-10 December. This event brings together countries that are part of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and promotes bilateral negotiations between countries in the same venue, providing greater opportunities to start or continue commercial air relationships that stimulate air operations.

“All the negotiations that have taken place show an important openness of Costa Rica to the rest of the world, as air operations are being promoted with different countries, both in South America and the European continent, under flexible operating conditions, where the dynamism stands out,” said Director General of Civil Aviation Alvaro Vargas.

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“In addition, borders have been expanded and air services facilitated, giving passengers new options for travel,” he added.

The President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, expressed his satisfaction with the negotiations reached and thanked the Civil Aviation for its work. “These efforts come in addition to the goals of attracting tourists, one of the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why I celebrate the work of CETAC and the DGAC, which contribute to the strengthening of air services in the country.”

Among the bilateral negotiations reached at ICAN2021, the following stand out:

Germany. A memorandum of understanding was signed and the Air Services Agreement was negotiated, which provided for an increase in the weekly frequencies of passenger, cargo and mail services between the two countries, from 8 frequencies to 14 frequencies per week, with rights of passage up to a fifth of freedom. Air, i.e. stop in a third country.

Exclusive shipments of 7 weekly frequencies have been agreed, with traffic rights up to the fifth freedom of the air.

It was also agreed that the code-sharing number would be used for airline operations, that is, it would allow airlines to jointly promote flights.

Please. A memorandum of understanding was signed and the Air Services Agreement was negotiated, according to which rights of passage were granted up to five air freedoms for passengers, cargo and mail services, without specifying frequencies.

Each country is given the power to determine the number of airlines they wish to undertake air operations. It was agreed to use common codes for airline operations.

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The conditions under which unscheduled (charter) flights will be operated between countries have also been established.

Chile. A new air services agreement was negotiated, which, once ratified by the Legislative Assembly, would replace the one in place since 1999.

The new tool modernizes important aspects such as significant airline ownership, its replacement by the constitution and business headquarters, and effective regulatory oversight of the airline by the state that selects it.

With regard to air services for exclusive goods, the operation was approved with rights of passage up to the seventh air freedom.

Spain. A technical agreement and an air services agreement were reached, which would replace the one in force dating back to 1979.

Among the most relevant aspects is the multiple authorization of airlines for each country. Granting the third and fourth freedom of air traffic without hesitation restrictions in passenger, cargo and mail services.

It was also agreed on 14 weekly frequencies for passenger, cargo and mail services, with the fifth freedom of flight rights.

In the exclusive download services, unlimited weekly frequencies and traffic rights of up to the fifth air freedom were agreed upon. The operation of the airlines is also included under the common code number.

Latvia. A memorandum of understanding was signed and an air services agreement was negotiated, in which it was agreed to operate passenger, cargo and mail services, with no frequency limit with third and fourth freedom of air traffic.

The operation of the airlines is included under the number of common codes.

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United kingdom. A Memorandum of Understanding that expands and complements aspects of the instrument that was negotiated and signed in 1997 was signed.

Aspects of airline designation and cancellation of such appointments are updated. Operation of exclusive air freight services is included, with no frequency limit and with traffic rights up to Fifth Freedom in the air.

It was agreed to continue discussions and negotiations to conclude a bilateral agreement for air services between the two countries.

Dominican Republic. A memorandum of understanding was signed and an air services agreement was negotiated, whereby each country accepts the possibility of appointing one or more airlines to operate the air services.

In passenger, cargo and mail services, unlimited frequency operation was agreed, with rights of passage up to the sixth freedom of flight.

For exclusive goods, rights are granted for up to seven air freedoms, without restrictions as to frequency, capacity, routes, types of aircraft, origin and destination of the shipment.

Terms for irregular operations (charter) were agreed upon between the two countries. On the other hand, the possibility for airlines to conduct their operations using a code-share number and charter aircraft is included.

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