Ciencia 2030 will implement a relaunch course in the faculties dedicated to the programme.

In order to introduce the academic community to the colleges affiliated with the project, the Science 2030 program will implement a series of launch days during the month of August. These activities will be implemented in the College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, the College of Science, the College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Resources, and the College of Agricultural Sciences.

In its keenness to create a fertile environment for developing research, development, innovation and entrepreneurship (R+D+i+e) projects, The University of Chile’s Science 2030 program seeks to establish innovation and entrepreneurship capacities within the faculties of science; agricultural engineering; veterinary and livestock sciences; and chemical and pharmaceutical sciences..

To report on the support tools provided by Ciencia 2030, the programme will implement: A series of relaunch days at participating colleges, focusing on students, academics and researchers. Learn about the initiative, the team, and the various services available to the community.

The sessions will consist of a General account of what the program has accomplished up to the conclusion of its first phase. Continuing the presentation of the working group that will provide specific support tools for the academic community. The meeting concluded with a lecture from CORFO on the “Human Capital for Innovation” tool.

according to Vice-Rector for Research and Development and Deputy Director of the Science 2030 Program at the University of Chile, Professor Cristian González Pilault“The Science 2030 programme seeks to ensure that scientific research has a real impact on society. This translates into opportunities for researchers from these faculties to collaborate with businesses and civil society organisations to develop innovative solutions to specific problems.

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As for the relaunch days, General Coordinator for Science 2030 Norberto CollazoShe hopes it will be an opportunity to showcase results and provide services and successful experiences with academics and students. “We want the community to be able to understand the potential of being allies of Science 2030 to promote innovation and entrepreneurship within the four participating colleges,” Collazo said, calling on the community to participate in these activities.

Science 2030 for the Academic Community

The project It offers various benefits to academics, researchers and graduate students from participating colleges.Such as research project funding mechanisms; opportunities for collaboration between researchers from different institutions at the national and international levels; networking with the productive sector and NGOs; and tools that encourage women’s participation and leadership in innovation and entrepreneurship.

In addition, Ciencia 2030 provides support in technological management, making innovations visible in development, seeking partners and networking with relevant actors in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.In addition, it provides training to students and academics on active learning methodologies, leadership skills, teamwork, creativity and interdisciplinarity.

In this sense, Program Environment Liaison Coordinator Daniel Morales“As the Science 2030 team, we present ourselves as facilitators of innovation and entrepreneurship processes from the sciences developed in the faculties we serve, and therefore, our relevance lies in what our collaborators offer us, whether as participants or as a tool, ally, source of communication or information in relation to the regular channels of our university,” he said.

The dates and locations of the courses are as follows:

  • Friday, August 9 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Aula Magna Hall, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Wednesday, August 14 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the College of Science.
  • For the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, the date and location will be announced soon via social networks and the Ciencia 2030 website.
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