Children’s National / Mobile Science Lab

A group of researchers from the National University of Kaguazu (UNCA) implemented the “iSci Lab Mobile Science Laboratory” program that benefited 50 Coronel Oviedo children, ages 6 to 12, and their families by conducting experiments with them in order to bring the students closer to the experience and reflection of science.

The project challenges students to observe and measure physical phenomena that they may have heard about or seen online, but may not have previously experienced in person. The activities are designed to be developed as a family, in a playful way, regardless of the number of members; In addition, it has been adapted to the popular context and language.

In total, 13 experiments were carried out “Electricity through potatoes or lemons”. “Plant life cycle”; “microbiology”; “Metal and magnetic detection”; “Solar energy”; “wind force”; “Flashlight with a mechanical generator”. In addition, other experiments such as holograms were performed. “Circuit”; weather station; “Natural phenomena” among other experiments such as magnetic levitation, net energy or green energy. The pilot program was implemented with the support of the UNCA Teacher Training Institute and measures by the Regional Institute for Health Research to establish solid scientific bases.

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