Children’s Day 2023: Opening of the University Museum of Science

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For the upcoming Children’s Day, a good choice is the University Museum of Science of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León.

The new space opened on Wednesday as part of 90th anniversary From the House of Al-Aqsa Studies.

“Without a doubt, this effort is being implemented through the work of the university’s high schools and colleges,” said UANL President Santos Guzmán.

he University Museum of Science It is a campus developed by the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and located on Avenida Madero and Vicente Suárez, next to High School 3 of UANL.

Its goal is to spread among new generations Knowledge in various fields of knowledge that will be characterized by interactive games and different experiences.

The new space for UANL was developed by the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

the Rooms The exhibition spaces that this museum will include are physics, astronomy, the human body, healthy nutrition, and a science park.

“In all, it has 66 interactive games,” said Atilano Martinez, director of the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Fifth and sixth grade students Oswaldo Gutierrez Sanmiguel Elementary School From Monterrey he toured the halls and the Science Garden during the first day of activities at the UANL University Museum of Science.

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