Carla Heredia sends a message after a new win in Las Vegas, United States

Carla Heredia He returned to give Ecuador joy by reaching the title in mixed team In the Open National in Las Vegas, United States. This new achievement is in addition to the one achieved on June 17 in The US Open Women’s Champion.

42 teams They competed as a mixed team, but with Sibi Suarez They score 11.5 points out of a possible 14. He took the opportunity to connect his hard efforts and his long days of competition to position himself between them The best of this tournament.

grand master play a total Seven games in 25 hours of play I got five points out of seven possible National Open U200. 128 players from nine countries participated in this sporting event where Ecuador flag He was at the top.

Messages on social networks focused on congratulating the work and dedication of the Quito woman. Heredia He is part of a group of Ecuadorean actors who have achieved significant milestones in the past week, along with Marlon Chito Vera and Richard Carapaz.

Likewise, following her victory on June 21, Heredia highlighted the hard work he’s been doing as a teacher during the pandemic. Specifically, in Las Vegas was able to meet his students And highlight the action they take to encourage their development.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, we started to enlarge classes with approximately 10 students. A year and months later we were able to see some of them in person and take part in the tournament in Las Vegas in different cities, but the Internet and chess kept us close.”He tweeted.

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Carla Heredia She has proven to be one of the highest-grossing representatives of the sport in Ecuador, as well as a commitment to helping and training future chess players. “As a teacher, I love to support my students wherever and whenever they are,” Wrote.

Quito and the recent winner of the National Open will be part of the Ecuadorean Olympic team for Tokyo.

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