Capture an impressive cosmic angel at the edge of the universe – Teach me about science

Space telescope Hubble It is in itself one of the greatest achievements of the state. Modern Astronomy Since Its Launch in 1990Before their arrival, astronomical observations from Earth were limited by Earth’s atmosphere, which distorted light coming from deep space. But Hubble changed all that by putting it into orbit outside the atmosphere.allowing you to take sharp, clear pictures of the universe, pictures that were a clear subject. assumption to Scientists who have been allocated life to Astronomy

Over the years, Hubble has been responsible for Many discoveries have expanded our understanding of the universe. From determining the age of the universe to observing planets in distant solar systems, this beloved telescope has revealed secrets Before we just imagine.

One of Hubble’s most effective areas of research is galaxy mergers. These cosmic events involve the collision and merger of two or more galaxies, creating impressive new formations in space. Recently, this powerful telescope captured a stunning image of a galaxy merging with a galaxy. VV689 system, nicknamed “Angel Wing” Because of its symmetrical shape, it resembles angel wings.

Galaxy mergers are not rare events; in fact, they are. part natural The process of galaxies evolving over time. Even our own Milky Way has witnessed this. Mergers with Galaxies It was smaller in the past, and will likely continue to do so in the future with its neighbors.

Source: European Space Agency

Scientists are especially interested In studying these galaxy mergers because they provide very detailed information about how galaxies, and therefore the universe as a whole, evolved. Gravity plays a fundamental role in these cosmic interactions.allowing them to approach and collide over billions of years.

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Galaxy mergers are also thought to be linked to star formation. Collisions between Galaxies They can launch bursts of star formation. However, there is still much to learn about this process and its impact on training and rehabilitation. Evolve from them.

picture “Angel Wing” This photo was taken by this photographer and is just one of many. Given to us by Hubble. Plus this is part From projects like Galaxy Zoo, which invites volunteers from around the world to help catalog galaxies using data collected by robotic telescopes. This “citizen science” approach allows people from different backgrounds to contribute to the advancement of astronomical knowledge.

What’s most interesting about all this is that if you are an astronomy enthusiast and love taking pictures of the universe, planets and stars in general, then don’t hesitate to do so soon, Your photo may cause a stir on social networks. Or become famous just by capturing something impressive. This time it was Hubble, so it could be you.

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