Call for Michoacan Science and Engineering Fair 2023 released

Morelia, Michoacan ( The National Gallery.

In a press conference, the director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICTI) in Michoacan, Alejandra Ochoa Zarzoza, explained that this call is for secondary and higher education students from public and private state institutions, who have scientific projects and technologies that have an impact on their environment.

He explained that this exhibition will help the winners obtain credits to participate in the National Science and Engineering Fair, which will be held in May in Tabasco, where three projects for secondary education and three projects for a higher level will be selected representing Michoacan.

The director commented that they can participate individually or collectively, but they must have an advisor registered with an institution, as well as the ability to participate in science and engineering modalities, in areas such as earth sciences, basic sciences, and sciences. Environmental sciences, medicine, health, humanities and social sciences, to name a few.

He noted that the registration ends on March 3, and the grounds for the call can be found on the social networks of ICTI Michoacán and on the website. www.icti.michoacan.gob.mxwhere recordings can also be made.

He indicated that project evaluations will be carried out from March 6 to 17, results will be published on March 20, and projects will be presented on March 31 at the facilities of the Technological University of Morelia, in which participation is expected. …of at least 150 students.

He noted that in previous years, Michoacan projects were presented that had emerged nationally as the second-place biomedical arm in Chihuahua.

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