Cafiero travels to reiterate his claim to the United Kingdom

Santiago Caveiro by Tellam

Santiago Cafiero will travel to the United States to assert a claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas. Photo: Telam

Advisor Next week in New York, Santiago Cafiero will lead the Argentine delegation, with lawmakers loyal to the government and opponents, who will demand before the UN Decolonization Committee the resumption of negotiations with the UK To find a peaceful and final solution to the dispute over sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas.

Cafiero will arrive in the United States on Wednesday, June 22, where he will hold meetings with the other member states of the (29-nation) Commission on Decolonization.

On Thursday 23rd he will present his presentation at the organization’s meeting, where a number of speakers will speak. As part of his visit to New York, Cafiero will also attend a debate at the Council of the AmericasTellam submitted from the State Department.

Official delegation and opposition

The official will participate in the Decolonization Commission with A delegation representing the spaces of the political majority, to reflect a cross-sectional definition according to the state’s policywhich will consist of legislators from the Todos Front, the Professionals and the UCR, which will also have the presence of the Governor of the Province of Tierra del Fuego (whose territory corresponds to the islands occupied by Great Britain since 1833), the official Gustavo Melilla.

Cafiero will attend United Nations meetings accompanied by Senators Adolfo Rodríguez Saa (Front for Judicial Unity of San Luis), Maria Eugenia Doré (First of Tierra del Fuego Front) and Pablo Blanco (Together for Change); Representatives Alberto Asif (PRO-Buenos Aires), Rosana Bertone (FdT-TdF), Federico Frigerio (PRO-TdF); Aldo Leva (FdT-Chaco); Roxana Reyes (UCR-Santa Cruz) and Eduardo Valdes (FdT-CABA).

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Also attending will be the Minister of Malvinas, Antarctica and the South Atlantic, Guillermo Carmona. Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luciana Tito; and National Director for Malvinas and the South Atlantic Islands, Sandra Petta.

Descendants of Vernet, the first ruler

It is also expected that the official delegation will be merged Descendants of the first Argentine ruler of the islands, Louis Vernet.

vernet Born in Hamburg, Germany, after obtaining Argentine citizenship He was appointed on June 10, 1829 as the first Governor of the Falkland Islands and the islands adjacent to Cape Horn in the Atlantic Ocean, a position he held until September 10, 1832, before the occupation of Great Britain on January 3, 1833.

Source: Telam

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