Business Studies will celebrate its centenary on Monday

The Faculty of Business Sciences of Cartagena Celebrate this Monday A commemorative work where the history of these studies will be reviewed in Cartagena which It was started in 1921 on the initiative of chamber of Commerce and city council.

To remember the most important historical events Former Dean and Professor Emeritus Juan Jesus Bernal will highlight key milestones in the institution’s centenary history. And some anecdotes, such as the annual salary of teachers of 24 euros in 1921. “We were pioneers in Spain, where we introduced the Computer Science course for Business Administration in the 1970s,” highlights the retired professor from the field of quantitative and computational methods.

“During this century, we have had many excellent teachers, such as Juan Carrion, who incorporated the first multimedia elements of English language teaching. which inspired the multi-award winning film Living Easy With Your Eyes Closed, Highlights of the current Brigadier General Miguel Angel Tobarra.

verb It will also open a graphic exhibition with photographs of the various buildings that house commercial studios in Cartagena.and illustrious conferences and important documents such as press extracts from the time and transcripts in which the establishment of the School of Experts, the appointment of the first professor, or the file of the first graduate student was requested.

dean UPCTdean University of MurciaHead of the Regional Government, Mayor of Cartagena, President port authorityPresident COECPresident of the Chamber of Commerce, Admiral of Arsenal, Among the civilian authorities and other combatants, who will attend this event, The institutions that promoted the establishment of the Expert School of Commerce will be recognized and progressively transformed into the College of Business Sciences.

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