British Prime Minister asks to “look forward” and buy new boilers to tackle the crisis

During a speech on Thursday, September 1, in the county of Suffolk, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson advised his citizens to buy a new boiler to deal with the energy crisis, as can be seen in video Broadcast by local media.

“We have to look forward,” he declared. “If you have an old kettle that is taking a long time to boil, it can cost you £20 to replace it. But if you get a new one, you will save £10 a year on your electricity bill.

The statements spread on social networks, with a few Internet users expressing surprise. “We’ve waited years for Boris Johnson and the government of which Liz Truss is a part to advise us on what we should do about the extraordinary crisis of life we ​​face, and finally, who would have thought a new kettle was the answer?” expression On Twitter the prosecutor is a better omen.

“So if I spend £20 or £30 on a new boiler, I can save £10 a year on my bills! What a genius! But wait! I don’t have £20 because I spent it on my last electric bill.” pointing to another person.

Photo: AP.

Also, there were these He said That the politician’s proposal is “frankly strange”, because buying a new boiler will not save people from the current crisis. other pounds they gave Ironically thank you for the advice.

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), UK energy regulator, ad This Friday that Maximum amount Bills will reach $4,096 in October. It is also expected to rise further next year, to around $6,230, which is why the country’s Treasury Secretary, Nadim Zahawi, said he was “very concerned” about the prospect of a British freeze this winter.

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On the other hand, Johnson has promised to invest nearly $808 million in the Sizewell C power plant to help the nation generate its own power. He also warned that it would be “absolute madness” not to proceed with the nuclear project, given the current situation in global energy markets.

Line: RT.

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