Bridgeton: Season 2 on Netflix is ​​closer | spoiler

Bridgeton’s second season is coming! The popular Netflix series will be back in action after its forced outage due to the Coronavirus. The news is good because at the moment no delay is expected in its release date. When will the new episodes arrive? Look.

Shonda Rhimes production She had already postponed her shoot in January due to confinement measures in the UK. When the situation improved in May, the performers returned to performing under strict sponsorship protocols. Despite the preventive measuresOn July 16, the chain stated that it would be out of work for 15 days because one of the cast members tested positive.

After that period, Variety confirmed the resumption of filming in London following the suspension of activities produced by Covid-19 cases. “We are on our way again. We had to delay due to COVID, but we are back”Viewer Chris Van Dousen warned.

“We pick up Anthony after we saw what happened to his lover. You think, ‘Was this love?’ Some might call it that, some might not. We’re exploring notions of duty and honor again.”He added about new chapters that are close to seeing the light.

Van Dusen also touched on the pressures of having to repeat the success of the first season. “There was always pressure with this show right from the start, to take inspiration from these beloved novels with fans so passionate and so passionate about these characters and these stories. There was always a healthy pressure out there, welcome it and say ‘Let the pressure continue.’” It worked during season one and I hope people love this season and beyond as much as season one.”, is done.

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When does Bridgerton’s second season premiere on Netflix?

The good news is that Bridgerton hasn’t announced delays in their release dates and everything is on track for all-new episodes to be shown. Scheduled launch is early 2022. The series will not stop working because it has already confirmed its third and fourth season.


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