Brazil: Workers’ Party to formalize Lula’s electoral candidacy

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Photo: Ricardo Stockert.

This Thursday, the Brazilian Workers’ Party will hold its national conference to formalize the ticket made up of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and ex-governor Geraldo Alcumen for the October elections.

On the agenda is the approval of the National Coalition and the Brazilian Communist Parties (PCdoB), the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), Verde, Red de Sustentabilidad, Socialismo y Libertad, Solidaridad and the Lula-Alckmin duo to register in the Supreme Court. electoral.

According to the official website of the Workers’ Party, on the same day the agreement of the Brazilian Confederation of Hope will be held in São Paulo, but at a different time.

Labor Party sources reported that Lula will not be present at the event, as he fulfills the political agendas in the state of Pernambuco (Northeast), and the vice president of the electoral duo, Alcumene, will represent him.

And the Metrópoles news portal confirms that the commitments of the former labor leader for Thursday and tomorrow have been scheduled for some time and the ex-president prefers not to cancel the flight sign, as a strategic measure of the political organization.

According to the site, the Pernambuco formula, drawn up by the alliance with the Al-Qaeda party (PSB), Danilo Cabral, and the leftist Union Party (PCdoB), Luciana Santos, needs strengthening.

According to politicians from the PT Handbook, the agreement is nothing but an endorsement of the acronym.

“The party’s vote with Lula and Alcamine was in the framework of the duo’s unification (in May), at an open event, in the presence of the militancy. “Now another moment, Lula strengthens relations with the Brazilian people,” said PT Alencar Santana, citing Metropolis.

Since yesterday, the former union leader started his three-city tour in Pernambuco, around the Let’s Go Together movement for Brazil.

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The crowd welcomed Lula and Alckmin to take part in a public event in the city of Garanhons, the twin of Cates, home of the former head of state, who in a speech invited those present to reflect on what Brazil wants to build for the future.

He urged residents to be part of the national transformation project.

“This country needs them,” said the former mechanic.

“Every man, woman or man, must have a reason,” he said, and admitted that he was a dreamer.

He noted that when he won the presidency (2003), “I wanted to show that it is possible to realize our dream.”

So far, Lula is leading in all opinion polls leading up to the October elections, in which far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro will seek re-election.

(with information from Prensa Latina)

See also:

Brian Altman: In the new progressive phase that Latin America is going through, Lula has a chance to win the election in the first round

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