Brave work! The influencer puts the filters aside and shows the true nature of his skin

One influencer forgot makeup and filters, revealing why these flashy photos and normalizing acne problems plaguing thousands of people today.

Maya Gray is an internet celebrity in United kingdomwho initiated the creation of an account Instagram And it turns out to their followers that they also suffer from skin problems, and they are not alone.

Likewise, the 27-year-old often shares her unedited photos in which she seeks to spread a message of personal acceptance and appreciation.

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In an interview with Daily StarMaya recounted part of her process when she started her career in social networks and naturally showed herself in each of her posts.

“I don’t want people to feel like I grew up, I don’t want kids to grow up hating themselves for comparing themselves unrealistically to a stranger on the Internet.”

She also admitted that during her childhood she was a victim of bullying, which caused her to feel very insecure to cover up her flaws and not be judged at school.

“When I started high school, I wasn’t self-aware. It was until a girl in my English class approached me and said ‘You would look prettier if I put on makeup.’ I got home and asked my mom to buy me makeup to cover my skin. Then it became a habit,” he said. Gray.

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From that moment on, Maya remembered the horrible dependency that made her wear makeup to go anywhere, which ended up with more pimples on her skin.

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However, the influencer put her concerns aside and seeks to raise awareness among people about cystic acne, as well as information that helps to understand more about the disease.

Maya, who is also a model, has more than 80 thousand followers on Instagram and collaborates as a presenter on the radio station “BBC Woman’s Hour”.


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