Bolivia denies supporting anti-government strike

Perez denounced that the “ex-soldier” of former de-facto president Jeanine Anez, whom I served in the November 2019 coup, spoke on behalf of Oruro.

He stressed that it “does not represent any civil, union or institutional institution affiliated with the department,” describing it as a “disastrous figure.”

Pérez considered that Bolivia should be completely revitalized, but unfortunately on this path there are private, volatile and political interests in Santa Cruz that seek to flood the country.

Referring to the issue, the head of Chuquisaca’s civil commission, Wilmer Aguirre, emphasized that this region rejects any cessation of activities such as those sought by sectarian interests in Santa Cruz.

“No one has been authorized to speak on behalf of the Civic Commission and less so for the people of Chuquisaca; we ask the citizens of Santa Cruz and Historia to respect Chuquisaca, and not to speak on our behalf.”

Press media and Internet users who are usually associated with anti-government positions on Camacho and the elites of power in Santa Cruz reported that, this Saturday, civic groups from La Paz, Tarija, Pando, Oruro and Beni arrived in the eastern capital and met the President of the Republic. This structure. Not elected from Santa Cruz, Romulo Calvo.

In the end, Calvo announced in a press conference that all these actors of the November 2019 coup d’etat would be promoting a national strike starting on November 7.

In the same sense, according to these sources, the National Committee for the Defense of Democracy, the coca growers of the Yungas, the spokesmen for the National Medical College and the International Heavy Transport Chamber spoke.

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For their part, legislators from the opposition parties, We believe and the Citizens’ Group threatened to prevent President Louis Ars from delivering his speech before the plurinational legislature on November 8 marking the second anniversary of his accession with more than 55 percent of the vote to the presidency.

The President’s spokesman, Jorge Richter, announced today in an interview with the Bolivian Public Television that a handful of civic committees are not legitimate representatives of the organized peoples.

He stressed that these structures are a “refuge” for the sons of the “partisan” accustomed to distributing state power, who carried out the November 2019 coup, lost the 2020 elections, and are now bent on creating a state of instability and collective discontent. .

Noting that Arce has a popular support of more than 50%, he warned that a situation like the 2019 coup would not happen again.

rgh / jpm

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