Blizzard claims Overwatch 2’s long queues are caused by a DDoS attack

Blizzard explained that the long queues currently on Overwatch 2’s servers are due to a “massive DDoS attack,” which is preventing players from accessing the newly released title.

In the first few hours since the game started, many users reported long waits before the match started, sometimes as many as 40,000 players waiting in front of their booth. Also, once the queue ends and players are allowed into the game, there are many disconnect issues that require repeating the process again.

a few hours ago, Blizzard CEO, Mike Ybarramaking sure that the wait was due to the expectation of the new version, and asked users to be patient.

However, Ybarra has now published a file New tweet Who claims that Overwatch 2 is the victim of a malicious attack. “Unfortunately, we are experiencing a massive DDoS attack on our servers. The teams are working hard to mitigate and manage this. This is causing a lot of connectivity issues.”

At the moment, the official Blizzard Networks has not commented on this.

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