Biden’s approval of the presidency drops to its lowest level since he came to the White House

Just two weeks after launching his election campaign, he assumed the presidency United StateAnd Joe BidenAnd He is in free fall in opinion polls and only 36% of those polled approve of his administration, the lowest level since he became president.

According to the latest survey conducted by the company Washington Post And hv news Rating approval Biden Underwater amidst a host of groups that supported him by wide margins in 2020.”

In the same demographic survey, 54% of those surveyed said the former president Donald Trump They did a better job of managing the economy, compared to 36% who thought they would Biden He was better on this subject.

Poll numbers Biden They are terrible and traditionally indicate that this is a president fighting to win a second term. As always, with Donald Trump In the equation, political traditions matter of little importance, however Biden He has yet to show that he can steer the country away from the twin crises: the economy and immigration.” David Charter to times.

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scan The Washington Post/ABC News Shows something deeper than Biden There’s not much you can do to change it: Growing concerns about your age: 63% of Americans said they don’t have capacity for another four years, compared to 54% who thought so in 2022 and 43% in 2020.

It is precisely a weak point trump He wanted to take advantage by throwing darts at Biden About their mental abilities to direct United State. According to the same survey, when asked who owns a commodity physical health to act as chair effectively, 64% supported trump Only 33% supported it Biden.

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Likewise, 54% of those surveyed think so trump He has the mental acumen needed to function effectively as a boss, while 32% think the same of a boss Biden.

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