Bicycle outlets have been installed on the UADY Social Sciences Campus

MERIDA, UC, August 21, 2023.- The Social, Economics, Management and Humanities Campus of the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY) already has three bicycle outlets that aim to promote bicycle use and multimedia with the new “Va y Ven” public transportation system routes.

Located at strategic points, these stations are the result of a collaborative work between UADY and the Institute for Regional Mobility and Urban Development (IMDUT), which can be used by students of the faculties of Anthropological Sciences, Law and soon Accounting and Management (FCA). ))..

In this sense, the Secretary General of UADY, Celia Rosado Aviles, highlighted that these measures will benefit the movement of students who commute to said campus daily, especially with the addition of the FCA, which will make the number of students grow with the arrival of nearly 3,500 young people.

“In October the FCA will be transferred, for which we have worked with IMDUT on the transfer issue, plus there are already more ways and they are currently carrying out follow-up work until more than three thousand young people move,” he stressed.

During the supervisory round between the state authorities and the UADY, IMDUT Mobility Director Hector Sanchez Tirado explained that these points aim to achieve this medium between the use of bicycles and public transport units.

In other words, multimodal transport refers to a transport chain in which two or more modes of transport are used, in this case, this union between the new Va and Ven roads, which already have spaces for bicycles. From users, the bike and the ports where they can park can be parked, he pointed out. their bikes safely.

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He stressed that the main idea is to use the two means of transportation safely and efficiently, in addition to a series of workshops, in coordination with student leaders in the various colleges, to introduce the benefits of using a bicycle, signs, and tips for the correct use of bicycle ports, among other related topics.

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