Bachelet warns that the UK intends to reduce the protection of asylum seekers | News

13:35 | Geneva, March. 17.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, today criticized a bill being debated in the British Parliament that aims to provide differentiated treatment for asylum seekers, as well as punish those who facilitate irregular migration by withdrawing citizenship.

In a statement issued by office in GenevaAmong the novelties of this legislative initiative, Bachelet warns, is that asylum seekers will be treated differently depending on how they arrived in the UK, when they applied for asylum, the travel route they used and their contacts with supposedly safe third parties.

Likewise, it criminalizes irregular entry and the fact that it is facilitated, and grants powers the authorities To withdraw British citizenship from citizens without prior notice.

Another aspect of the High Commissioner’s concern is the proposal to establish centers for processing asylum claims outside it the borderwhich is reminiscent of the policy being implemented by Australia, with centers of this kind – denounced by humanitarian organizations as holding centers for applicants – on the neighboring islands of Papua New Guinea and Nauru.

project Law It was initially drawn up by the upper house of the British Parliament, but part of its content was rejected by the upper house, including amendments that the initiators should now take into account.

“If it is not amended, the result will be that the law will punish people who enter the UK by irregular means as if they were criminals, in contravention of the standards international rightBachelet noted.

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He also said that the intent to revoke the citizenship of those who assist irregular migrants would create the problem of statelessness and could seriously discourage rescue of migrants, including in areas such as English channel.

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Publication date: 3/17/2022

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