Awarded in the Holguín Prize for Information Science (+ photos)

With the delivery of the Provincial Prize for Information Sciences to the young researcher Miguel Angel Suárez Benítez, the thirteenth edition of Expociencia, an event dedicated to the socialization of the findings of this branch in eastern Cuba, concluded today in the city of Holguín.

Holguín on April 29 (ACN) with delivery Provincial Information Science Award for the young researcher Miguel Angel Suarez Benitezconcluded today in city Holguin The Thirteenth Edition of Expocienciaan event dedicated to the socialization of the results of this branch in eastern Cuba.

This award has been given annually since 2014 by a subsidiary of the Cuban Society for Information Sciences to professionals and professors with outstanding teaching experience and contributions in managing content and using new technologies, according to Leonardo Neves, president of the association.

He also highlighted the young man’s contributions to institutions such as the delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, to regional meteorology, and currently as a specialist at the Technology Management Center, located in the provincial capital.

Read also: Holguin showcases innovations at Exposencia 2022 (+ photos)

Holguín opens its doors for Expociencia 2022 (+ photos)

Suárez Benítez has a proven track record of promoting the scaling up of new technologies, preventing vulnerabilities and preserving the environment, among other areas of regional priority.

As part of the closing day, the University of Medical Sciences was also honored with the Creativity and Innovation Award, for the actions of its students and professors at Coping with COVID-19in addition to handing out accreditation certificates to entities that incorporate these subsidiaries into their products, including the Cuba-Nickel Business Group.

Exposense 2022 It was held over the past three days on the Expo-Holguín campus and as part of the program there were conferences, workshops and gatherings, with the participation of more than two thousand students of different teachings.

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Since 2008, this event has called especially professionals from the sector to socialize research that contributes to solving economic and social problems in the province, the third most populous country in Cuba, with a population of over one million.

The exhibition meeting was held under the theme “Challenges of the Economy: Answers from Science, Technology and Innovation” and dedicated to the celebration of the centenary of the architect Luis Felipe Rodríguez Colombian, who died in 2012 and with the notable projects he developed in his career, among them the extension of the Church of San José and the Champagnat Hermanos Maristas School It is currently the Juan José Fornet Piña School, located in the main municipality.




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