At the Door, International Conference on Veterinary Science and Animal Production in UAEH – NEWSHIDALGO

Pachuca de Soto, Oct. 11 /Hidalgo News/. – At the door, the International Conference on Veterinary Science and Animal Production in the United Arab Emirates Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICAp), affiliated with the Autonomous State University of Hidalgo (UAEH), will hold the 2nd International Conference on Veterinary Science and Animal Production, which will take place on 3 and 4 November in a hybrid manner, i.e. face-to-face and virtually, in the facilities of the said campus located in Tolancingo, Hidalgo.

The main objective of the conference is to publish developments in recent research findings, as well as case reports that focus on the topic, “Health and non-pharmacological strategies that promote health and sustainable animal production”, a topic that will be analyzed on a national and international scale.

In this way, participants will be able to learn about new strategies and current research in veterinary medicine and animal production, as well as live first-hand with experts on the subject.

This year there will be 14 presentations with eight guests from seven different countries and six from the Republic of Mexico. During the first day there will be lectures by Carlos Rodríguez Molano, from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. Oscar Irabuena from the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Marcelo Beltrao Molinto of the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. and Peter Hansen from the University of Florida in the United States.

Mexicans Roger Evan Rodriguez Vivas, of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY); Rodrigo Flores Garivay, researcher at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC); As well as in the presence of Jaime Olivares Perez of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro).
On the second day of the conference, Jaber Al-Saber Buteha from Damanhour University in Egypt. Rachel Bernier and Karen Marie Magdalene, researchers at the Antilles Research Center in Guyana; Pilar Sepulveda Varas of Austral University in Chile; Romulo Banuelos Valenzuela from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ); and Benjamin Valadares Carranza, of the Autonomous State University of Mexico (UAEMex).

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It should be noted that ICAp is located within the university city of Tulancingo and is intended to be
the watershed of that region of the state of Hidalgo, by offering a high-quality education focused on the profession and needs of the various fields of the entity, as well as the field of medicine; It is a project for the benefit of the youth of Hidalgo, thanks to the autonomy of the highest institute of studies in the entity.

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