Arrival of the Women in Agricultural Sciences Conference

Because of this situation College of Agricultural Sciences From the National University of Jujuy (United Nations University) I decided to implement ConferenceWomen in Agricultural Sciences

It is intended for students, graduates, teachers and the general community interested in the subject.

It will be held on Wednesday, August 21, at 4:00 pm at the study headquarters, at 47 El-Bardi Street.

A certificate of attendance will be given and registration is done through the link:

Mariel CerrudoAgricultural engineer and professor at UNJ College of Agricultural Sciences spoke with Radio 2 About this proposal:“The role of women in agricultural sciences has not stopped growing, and there has been a significant increase in the number of graduates recently, and there are a good number of women. It is a new and young generation that has come with new and innovative ideas, and has broken the old paradigms. There was an idea that women should have maternal ideas, we decided to build the female side of leadership, and postpone our motherhood, otherwise it will cost us more if we already have a family. We are making our place and moving forward in this agricultural field.”

“Women have the power to be passionate about what they do, to make their own way and get where they want to be, and that’s why they’ve come so far. We hear that we have to be careful in certain situations with women in this field, and we still have those points where opportunities are closed to us. That takes away from us but it gives us the power to jump even further.


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