Arevalo publishes declaration of his origins in Guatemala

Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo has published a declaration of his assets to fulfill his promise of transparency in his administration, which on Sunday marks six months under the banner of fighting corruption.

“Throughout these six months, every action we have taken has been guided by transparency. Publishing my asset declaration is another step in this direction,” Arevalo said on the X social network.


Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo has published a declaration of his assets to fulfill his promise of transparency in his administration, which on Sunday marks six months under the banner of fighting corruption.

“Throughout these six months, every action we have taken has been guided by transparency. Publishing my asset declaration is another step in this direction,” Arevalo said on the X social network.

In his statement, the president listed assets totaling 724,614 quetzales ($93,498), held in bank accounts, jewelry, books, office equipment and stocks.

He also reported having bank debts totaling 69,238 quetzales ($8,933).

The state-run Guatemalan news agency reported that the statement published on Sunday was signed and presented by the president to the competent authority on February 15.

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The president, a 65-year-old sociologist, diplomat and philosopher, is the son of Juan José Arévalo (1945-1951), Guatemala’s first democratic ruler.

The ruler has gone from being virtually unknown to a symbol of hope in a country fed up with corruption, which in turn has unleashed panic among the conservative elite.

In January, Arévalo ended 12 years of right-wing governments, replacing Alejandro Giammattei, whom his opponents accuse of being part of what they call a “corrupt pact.”


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