Arevalo calls Guatemala’s 2024 budget proposal illegal

Through a message on the social network

The professional sociologist said the proposal is full of constitutional violations, pockets of corruption, and above all, it is an attempt to leave the new government so trapped and restricted that it cannot do anything it wants.

He called for its rejection in that case, urging residents, especially lawmakers, to be “vigilant so that the corrupt agreement does not succeed.”

Congress must approve the national budget for 2024 before the 30th, which amounts to 124,880 million quetzales (about $16 billion), the highest in history.

The head of the Legislative Finance Commission, Candido Leal, previously stated that the state does not have the resources necessary for the supposed increase expected by the transition team of Arevalo’s political power.

Representative Samuel Perez, a representative of that committee within the Similla seats, explained that the Ministry of Finance put the proposal on the table.

He added that they need 127,600 million quetzals (just over $16 billion) to be able to implement the measures programmed in the government’s first year.

Analysts warned that this is not the budget of the party that won the elections, but rather the country’s budget and that it will serve Guatemalans, especially children.

Peres announced that they had prepared for discussion in the plenary session some amendments, without mentioning them, which they hope will receive the support of other parties.

But Simela members stressed that if the proposed scenario does not happen, they will adjust the priorities of the government’s plan.

The data reflects the education sector, which received the highest specific number, followed by the health, government, communications, infrastructure and housing sectors, in addition to defence.

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At the end of 2022, the Guatemalan Congress approved a budget for 2023 worth 115,443.7 million quetzals (about $15 billion), the highest amount on that date, but expanded on several occasions.


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