ARCI endorses commitment to restoring historical memory in Bolivia

peace-. Bolivia’s President, Luis Arce, today endorsed his commitment to restoring the historical memory of human rights violations recorded in the country at the end of 2019.

In the process of presenting the findings of the investigation conducted by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), the President described what happened after the de facto regime headed by Jeanine Anez as terrible.

Based on conclusive and scientific evidence, he indicated from the report that the coup was coordinated and executed months before November 2019 with explicit calls for civil disobedience and ignorance of the elections.

The document, as specified, refers to the conduct taken by the Pro Santa Cruz Civil Commission, in creating practices not covered by the right to protest, to the extent of creating exceptional situations based solely on state decisions.

Arce commented on the basis of the text that a private organization cannot limit and control the freedom of movement of people, let alone issue circulation permits, and give itself jobs that do not concern it.

He added that after 37 years of democratic construction in Bolivia, the GIEI report clearly states that at the November 12, 2019 meeting, in the Senate, without the quorum provided by the regulations, Nez declared himself the leader of this legislative branch.

And then, also without the required sum, she proclaimed herself in the Senate as interim head of state, and she entered the palace, and a division-soldier put her on her and handed her the baton, he said.

If this is not a coup, what more evidence, he said, as he asked what happened after the unconstitutional self-declaration. He replied that it was a response to the colonial, racist and discriminatory republic.

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The report also describes – he said – that “the first messages to celebrate this event were of significant religious and anti-indigenous content, accompanied by various acts of contempt and abandonment of the indigenous identity, which was represented at that time by Wiphala”.

Likewise, he asserted, the senior leaders of the Áñez administration had spoken promising a lesson and proclaimed the hunt for the Masistas, whom they described, without any evidence, as terrorists, seditious and accomplices in terrorism.

He noted that as a result of all the actions that violate human rights, 38 Bolivians, possibly early in their lives, were shot and massacred. He said hundreds of people were seriously injured, both physically and psychologically.

The Bolivian president honored all the dead during that time, asked forgiveness and accompanied their families’ suffering, something the perpetrators did not do, he said.

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