Approximately two courses of difference between public school and charter schools in mathematics and science

he Latest PISA report Based on tests taken in March 2022 by students A quarter of that Filed this Tuesday Worst fears confirmed. Catalan education – behind Spain – is not working as it should. Catalonia is the territory of the country that has lost the most points in mathematics since 2018 (21), preceded only by Melilla, a situation that has filled hours of talk shows and newspaper pages for days. But that A worrying decline – According to the reporting criteria, 20 points are equivalent to one course school- It’s not the same for everyone, This has causes and consequences.

On Tuesday, the government was already keen to highlight Difference in outcomes between students of immigrant origin And those who are not (43 points in mathematics) With an unfortunate analysis, he corrected it hours later; But what did he put on the table? The huge gap that still exists in our classrooms, This report reveals them Far from being the social lift they should be. Inequality becomes more apparent by focusing on… The difference in results between public and private schools (Including in this category the independent school, which has a significant weight in Catalonia).

In mathematics, the difference in scores between publicly owned centers (458) and privately owned centers (495) is 37 points (i.e. approximately two cycles). While Catalan private schools are considered average among private schools in the OECD (495), General is 10 below.

In reading, the difference between public and private supported centers is 36 points (from 487 to 451), and in science also 37, from 503 to 466. That is, the results are very low in the three competencies that were evaluated.

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Insufficient investment

This difference, as is clear, has Several explanations. The most obvious is lack of public school resources, Who runs much greater diversity, Fruit in turn continues school classroom, As the advisor herself admitted Anna Simo On social media after the controversy.

despite of The current government has increased investment in education This is still far from being 6% of GDP which suggests that it should be the Catalan Education Law itself.

It is noteworthy that the former Minister of Education these days Irene Rigau [ejecutora de los grandes recortes en la escuela pública catalana, entre los que destaca la eliminación de la sexta hora, con la que ‘ahorró’ 86 millones de euros por curso] She has given several interviews in which she makes statements referring to environmentalism or feminism as factors that “steal” time from school children to learn mathematics or the Catalan language, considering that they Eliminate an hour a day To the school calendar for Catalan children who To this day it has not been recovered.

Just a few weeks ago, The Department of Economics specifically called on the government to restore six o’clock in public schools Catalan. Six o’clock owned by the charter school.

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