Android | So you can search for apps on Google Play that are only for watches, cars, and TVs | Applications | Smart phones | technology | smart watches | trick | Features | nda | nnni | sports game

From Not only can you find millions of apps compatible with your smartphone, but you can also find other devices that are able to link to your cell phone, such as: watches, TV, and cars. Now, it is known that the said Android Store has implemented a new section that will facilitate searching for apps exclusively for devices other than a smartphone.

This is the “Other Devices” tab, which is divided into the following sub-tabs: “Clock”, “TV” and “Car”, if you press any of them, It will only recommend compatible apps for that specific device.

It is important to note that in this section you will find featured applications and application groups for each type of device, however, if you want to download a specific application, you will have to use the search bar and filter whether it is for a smartwatch, TV or car.


  • First, from your cell phone, go to the Android Google Play Store.
  • Now, several grouped tabs will appear at the top, move them to the right and tap on the one that says “Other devices”.
  • Below you will see the following sub-tabs: “Clock”, “TV” and “Car”.
  • Choose any of the three and the Android Store will show you which apps are compatible with that device.

So you can know if you need to change your phone

  • storage: If your phone has 32 GB of internal storage, it’s time to refurbish your device, because today’s apps are heavier than those of several years ago and to be compatible with your old device, they require more benefits. Although the best option is to buy a MicroSD card, here you will not be able to store some heavy applications such as: Facebook, Instagram, video games, etc., it will only work with light applications and multimedia files.
  • drums: As in the previous case, applications and updates of current operating systems generate greater energy consumption, which is why smartphones are made with batteries from 4000 to 5000 mAh, which is what a cell phone over 4 years old represents. Also, remember that the useful battery time is approximately 300 charge cycles, which means that if you charge your device from 0% to 100% more than 300 times, your old cell phone battery will likely run out quickly.
  • years of updating: All mobile phones have a certain number of years of update, usually 4 years, it means that there will come a time when your device will not receive the new versions of Android or new security patches. Currently, we are in Android version 12, if your mobile has not updated or even stayed in previous versions, it is time to get another device so that you are not a victim of cybercriminals.
  • RAM: Old cell phones come with 1 or 2 GB of RAM, which is very rare for today’s apps. The aforementioned component allows your mobile phone to open many applications in the background, if you do that and your computer starts to slow down, then this is another indication for you to buy another phone.
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