And it's free! Scientists from UdeC open the Heisenberg Institute call to encourage and promote science among young people


COLYMA, Col.- Scientists from the University of Colima invited high school students to join the Heisenberg Institute, which will be held free of charge on Saturdays from March 9 to June 8.

Doctor of Physics at the Faculty of Science at UdeC, Alfredo Aranda, expressed that the call is open and has been implemented since 2003.

“It consists of recruiting just over 40 students from the state of Colima and the region, so that they can live with people who are professionally dedicated to science and can exchange ideas, understand and learn about what it means to dedicate themselves to science.” Knowledge and the path they must follow to become people of knowledge.

The activities are developed within degree programs in Physics and Mathematics, respectively.

Interested students should join the call Or in any browser type Instituto Heisenberg Colima; Enter the link for the application you want to fill out.

The deadline to fill out the application is next February 25, and the selected people will be announced the following week.

The university researcher announced that people who do not live in the Colima Villa de Alvarez urban area will receive financial support for transportation.

If you have doubts or questions about the institute, you can send them to e-mail [email protected] Or for [email protected]

He stressed that the idea aims to enhance scientific advocacy among interested students who are interested in topics related to knowledge and discovery of the universe in all its various manifestations.

“We're not interested in whether you know or not, what matters to us is how much you care.”

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