[Análisis] Endless Ocean Luminous for Nintendo Switch

After receiving the first two installments on the Nintendo Wii, Endless ocean series He disappeared for some time from current video games, but there were many players who still had affection for him. For this reason, Nintendo decided to revive it, as it did with other series such as Another Code, with a new part with the same flavor as the previous one, but with fun new features. We already played The endless ocean is illuminatedand we come to tell you our opinion on their own proposal.

Underwater adventure

The endless ocean is illuminated

adventure The endless ocean is illuminated It takes us to explore the mysterious The veiled seaunderwater environment with More than 500 different forms of marine life We can find out their data if we scan them, and we can even swim with them if we want!

In its own sense, Endless ocean It is a game that focuses on exploration in a calm way, discovering marine life forms and revealing secrets in the form of collectible treasures that we can find at the bottom of the sea. In this game there are no dangers that can lead us to the “End Game” screen, but… Tasks to fulfill And a lot of things to teach those who are thirsty to learn about the marine world.

One of the highlights of this installment is the story mode divided by chapters. in it, An assistant named Maria (Yes, it's an AI with a robotic voice) that will guide us through an adventure in which, in addition to learning the basics of the game, we will record a large number of marine species for conservation. Great coral.

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With friends it's always more fun

Endless ocean

In addition to being able to enjoy story mode, The endless ocean is illuminated It allows us to carry out raids at our own pace allowing us to register new creatures, complete quests and level up, which in turn will allow us to obtain cosmetic items ranging from Customization for our diver Even stickers and statuses through which we can communicate with our friends.

Because yes, although these dives can be done alone in our free time, the game also contains Online mode for up to 30 players Where we can enjoy one-hour sessions with friends, collaborate together to record new objects, and if you're lucky, Find others that are extinct and even legendary.

Added to all this Online leaderboards Which can push the most competitive players to complete the entire game, scoring all possible types, which can happen A real challenge Thanks to the large number of them.


Analysis of the endless luminous ocean

If you are a fan of marine life and are eager to learn more about it, Endless Ocean Luminous is a fairly complete game. With its wide variety of collectibles and calm and slow-paced gameplay, it can be just that A good option to invest many hours if you are part of the target audience. A bit niche specific, but I'm sure you'd really enjoy a suggestion like this.

The endless ocean is illuminated Coming to Nintendo Switch this May 2 You can get it in digital form through Electronic shop As in physical form through stores like com. xtralife Wave My Nintendo StoreDo not miss it!

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