An unusual sight: the arrival of a southern right whale in the port of Punta del Este

The right whale entered the port area of ​​Punta del Este

a Southern right whale Witnesses were surprised as they entered the port Punta del Este This Monday afternoon.

Presentation recorded by the organization Whales oops, It aroused astonishment and astonishment among those present.. In addition, it has been reported Seeing two other specimens of the same species in Playa BravaAnd also in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Whale watching is common off the coast of Maldonado during June, when whale watching season begins.

but, The southern right whale entering the harbor is an unusual event For this reason, Attention attracted From both locals and tourists.

The right whale entered the port area of ​​Punta del Este

Local media observer You mentioned that right whale Its length is about 8 meters Seen in port. Richard TesorThis was explained by the organization SOS Fauna Marina Sightings of this species are common between June and October. On the coasts Rocha And Maldonado.

Dozens of people enjoyed the natural spectacle, while seagulls and sea lions in the area expressed curiosity and some annoyance at the presence of the huge cetaceans.

Pictures taken by attendees quickly spreadWhich attracts more people interested in seeing marine mammals up close.

A southern right whale has arrived in the port of Punta del Este

The importance of conserving these species is highlighted by these sightings. the Southern right whaleWhich was on the verge of extinction due to commercial fishing, It has shown signs of recovery Thanks to conservation efforts and hunting bans.

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Tesor stated that these types of sightings at this time of year are a A harbinger that it will be an active whale season On the coast of Uruguay. Regarding the reason for their arrival in Uruguay, the expert mentioned this Maybe they’ll go to Argentinawhere they breed in spring, or also in Northern Brazil.

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