An explosion destroyed a three-storey building in the UK

Rescue teams from Britannia Island Jacket On Sunday, they announced that there was no hope of finding survivors after Saturday’s blast, which destroyed a three-storey apartment building.

At the moment, it is confirmed that three people were killed in the explosion that occurred on Saturday in Saint Helier, the capital of this island in the English Channel, due to an alleged gas leak.

About 12 residents are still missing, and it is not excluded that at the time of the drama there were visitors in the building.

“We have three confirmed deaths and can say we hope to find more,” the island’s chief of police, Robin Smith, told a news conference.

According to him, the explosion was “probably” caused by a gas leak.

With the help of dogs and experts from southern England, firefighters at Jacket They spent the whole night searching through the rubble.

The Prime Minister of the British Lands, Christina Moore, like many other residents, said that she was awakened at night by the sound of the explosion.

“We are deeply disappointed and deeply concerned for those affected and those who have lost their lives,” Moore told the BBC.

gas supplier JacketInc., Island Energy, said it was working with firefighters to find out what happened.

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