An electronic window will be created to simplify the procedures for companies

Monterey /

Tatiana ClothesThe head of the Ministry of Economy (SE) announced that they are working to create a “Electronic Single Window” Which will cover everything related to paperwork and the opening of new businesses, which they hope will be operational by the end of the year.

“We are working with international agencies to see if we can have a single online window so you know everything you need to invest in Mexico and avoid 15-doors ways. We seek to take advantage of the moment and the moments that the country and the world are going through to get more investment, and hopefully it will be ready by the end of general”.

The official participated as a keynote speaker at the INMEX Forum 2021 organized by Index Nuevo León, where she also referred to the topic of innovation. This issue is being looked at and working together with Rogelio Ramírez de la O and with the innovation field to see if a mechanism can be found to enhance commitment to innovation.

“We still don’t know what the mechanism is, however, and we are looking at all fronts how to boost innovation and give it a catalyst, directly or indirectly, through human capital training.”

Clouthier pointed out that on the subject of foreign direct investment or attracting national investment, The Ministry of Economy is considering going abroad again to promote Mexico and attract foreign investment.

We will go to Dubai for an international exhibition in October and in March 2022 we will go to Paris, so through various mechanisms we will promote Mexico. We are also working with the United States so that through T-MEC we can attract companies that are part of the supply chain.”

Regarding the updating of trade agreements that Mexico has concluded with other countries, he announced that it is in talks with the United Kingdom, Ecuador and Europe.

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Unfortunately, however, fear of the pandemic has caused some countries to be too open to receiving pressure to shut down again.

For this reason, he said, “The European Union has asked at least to separate the treaty into three parts, in other words, a commercial declaration that can come out more quickly, because it does not require a majority in Congress to approve it.

“For example, with the UK, optimization is underway, as well as with Ecuador, to see if they have an interest in participating in the Pacific Alliance (…) There are parts of the world that the pandemic has complicated and there and he stressed some pressure to shut it down again. This slows down the negotiations.

Clotheer said so For a period of three weeks, the office of the delegation of this secretariat was reopened in Nuevo Leon, located in Cintermex.

The official commented that this would speed up the pending proceedings.

“We delayed the epidemic a lot and put us in very adverse conditions and did not have the ability to respond as quickly as we needed, because we thought Covid-19 would be temporary and it took time to resume and they control the tasks that this secretariat is doing, in particular all the procedures.”

In fact, 3 weeks ago “we have been running representative offices in the states from 8 am to 3 pm and with the minimum staff allowed according to each state’s epidemiological traffic lights. Here in Nuevo Leon we know we have been very hidden, but we have already reopened and we believe This will help us continue to achieve a higher speed.”

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