AMLO: This morning, March 17, 2023

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Learn about the most important topics of the “morning” conference of the President of Mexico on March 17, 2023

Andres Manuel Lopez ObradorPresident of Mexico, giving his usual “morning” conference on Friday, March 17, from Villahermosa, Tabasco.

Gustavo de Hoyos criticizes “a royalist thought”, as does López Obrador

President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador accused businessman Gustavo de Hoyos Walter, the former national president of the Federation of Employers of the Republic of Mexico (Cobarmex) who revealed a few days ago his intention to run for the presidency for the year 2024, He has a royal mind Because he despises people and the poor.

López Obrador highlights the work of Adán Augusto López in Segob

By saying “It helped me a lot,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He highlighted the work he did Adán Augusto López Hernández as Minister of the Interior (Segob) and candidate for Morena’s 2024 presidential candidacy.

López Obrador slams the liquidation of INE’s Lorenzo Cordova

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador considered people immoral and “dehumanised” as the head of the National Institute of Statistics, Lorenzo Cordova, said. Receive a million dollar pension at the end of his term.

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