Alternative Omicron “cancels” the Davos Economic Forum

Organizers said in a statement on Monday that the World Economic Forum, scheduled for January 17-21 in Davos, Switzerland, had been “postponed” due to the omicron variant of COVID-19.

Organizers said the meeting, which blends the worlds of business, politics and diplomacy, should take place in the early (northern) summer. Last year this forum had to be canceled due to the pandemic.

The World Economic Forum (according to its English acronym) in any case decided to organize a series of online sessions called “The State of the World”, which should allow “the formulation of solutions to the world’s most pressing problems”.

Lee: Omicron variant is spreading at an unprecedented rate, WHO alerts

“The current conditions of the pandemic make it extremely difficult to organize a personal global meeting,” the statement stressed.

Since it first appeared in South Africa in November, the omicron variant of COVID-19 has been identified in dozens of countries, forcing many to re-impose travel restrictions and other measures.

Although it does not appear to be more dangerous than the delta variant – which remains the dominant strain – omicron appears to have worrisome resistance to vaccines and greater transmissibility, according to preliminary data.

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