All flights in June

The authorities of the eastern airport of Santiago de Cuba have informed, through their social networks, the schedule of flights in June to and from their air terminal, with connections from Europe, the United States and other regional flights.

According to this information, air horn And will continue to work on the following frequencies in the month of June. Monday with frequency from Santo Domingo. Wed Frequency with origin Havana and destination Santo Domingo. Friday with 5 frequencies to the destination: Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Havana, Havana, Santo Domingo.

American company American Airlines Connect with a day trip from Miami. Charters also run from Miami, every Thursday and Sunday from the aforementioned city in South Florida.

The Haitian sunrise And will continue to work on the following frequencies in the month of June. Every Monday from Haiti. Region Caribbean It will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on a frequency from Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. sky high Every Tuesday from Havana and Saturday from Santo Domingo with frequency.

More flights coming from Santiago de Cuba

Venezuelan Terbial And will continue to work on the following frequencies in the month of June. Every Tuesday from Venezuela to Antonio Maceo in Santiago de Cuba. While the national Cuban Aviation It will continue with the following connections in the current month. Every Tuesday from Madrid, Spain and Wednesday from Havana.

Regional Fly AllWays continues to call on Wednesdays and Thursdays from Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname. The links from Santiago de Cuba to countries in the region such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Suriname itself serve as a link for businessmen who are dedicated to what is called “shopping tourism”.

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A business in which Cubans spend thousands and thousands of dollars every year. This was demonstrated by flights from Margarita Island, in Venezuela, which were a round-the-clock bargain for the government of Nicolás Maduro.

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