ALBA-TCP and Venezuela review cooperation in sports and youth

Through his account on the social network Twitter, Sacha Llorente, President of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America – People’s Trade Treaty, spoke about a meeting he had with the Venezuelan Vice President of Social and Regional Socialism, Mervin Maldonado. “We followed up on the sports-specific agreements and minute details of the ALBA-TCP Senior Youth Authority meeting,” Llorente said on the communications platform.

On May 24, the member states of the integration mechanism held a coordination meeting between ministers and senior officials in the sports sector, in order to enhance cooperation in this field.

Among the major agreements that emerged from that meeting, the regional organization agreed to hold the fifth edition of the ALBA Sports in 2023, inviting delegations from Russia, Belarus, China, Iran and Turkey to the event.

Similarly, the alliance agreed to enhance and expand the training and development of human talent by holding two conferences for the training and exchange of trainers and technicians.

Next July 12, ALBA-TCP will hold a meeting of senior officials in the field of youth, with an agenda focused on strengthening and coordinating the leadership participation of youth movements in the bloc.

In recent statements, Sacha Llorente indicated that representatives of the countries of the integrated entity will exchange experiences in public policies and coordinate joint tasks in this field.

The ALBA-TCP was created in 2004 on the initiative of revolutionary leaders Fidel Castro (1926-2016) and Hugo Chavez (1954-2013), and currently consists of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and Grenada.

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