Al-Muntazah Certificate in Earth Sciences is awarded

The Municipality of Zacatecas, through the Minister of Urban Development and Environment, awarded the Academic Unit of Geosciences (UACT) of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ) the Green Zone Accreditation Certificate for the Protection of the so-called Geosciences in Parks, located in front of the main entrance to the said college, next to Adolfo López Mateos Street.

Upon receiving the green zone accreditation certificate, the Director of the Academic Unit of Geosciences, Santiago Valle Rodriguez, stated that “in our capital there are not many protected green areas, which is why caring for this type of space is essential. The recreation of the Zacatecan community and the university community” .

The university official indicated that the aim of this procedure is to preserve the integrity of teachers, students and workers in this unit, and stressed that for this, it is planned to net this space so that there is more security and thus this green area is preserved.

For her part, Honorary President of the DIF Zacatecas Municipal System, Maribel Herrera, stressed that with this action the City Council is showing the importance of caring for the environment, “realizing that the land is not ours, but that humans belong to it, being responsible for our actions in favor of the environment”.

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