After withdrawing his proposal to FGR, Robles claims he is innocent of theft and fraud

Ex-President of Cedesol and Sedatou Rosario Robles Perlanga pleaded not guilty to the crime of public malpractice in a case The master of deception.

This, after his request to find an alternative exit from the Public Prosecution office was withdrawn, which would mean the completion of the trial.

During the hearing, which ruled to resume a break on March 27 at 10:30 a.m., the evidence presented by the Attorney General’s office was revised.

According to the Federal Judicial Council, this Saturday they will begin scrutinizing the evidence that will be presented by the Federal Supreme Auditor (ASF), which consists of 55 witnesses and 1 expert and 225 documentaries.

The hearing comes after the Attorney General’s office and Robles’ defense did not reach an agreement to create an alternative exit before the trial in the case against the official that began in August 2019.

Although the former Secretary for Social Development asked Judge Gunther Villar to “dispense” his presence at the hearing on Friday, he denied this, arguing that she herself would have to explain her story, about which she had not reached an agreement with the Office of the Prosecutor, months after Negotiation.

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This hearing is the so-called “middle” stage of the process in which the Prosecutor’s Office will present the evidence for which it wants to bring Rosario Robles to trial and support the request for a 21-year prison sentence on two inappropriate charges. Practicing public service.

The session may extend for several days due to its different stages. First, the judge will analyze whether there are legal barriers to progressing to middle school. It will be here when both parties formally declare that there is no possibility of an alternate exit to the process.

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Then, we will proceed with the verbal description of the facts illustrated in the indictment, which has been sent in writing since last year by the FGR. That is to say, the alleged omissions committed by Rosario Robles that led to the repetition of the public resource diversion scheme in Sedesol and Sedatu, both of which are subordinate to it.

This is the mechanism of La Estafa Maestra as 11 government agencies such as Pemex, Banobras, the Ministry of Economy and Education, Sagarpa and INEA, among others, entered into agreements with eight public universities to provide services, but they subcontracted companies that turned out to be ghosts and thus the money disappeared.

Although there are more than a hundred officials involved between government agencies and universities, the only former Secretary of State facing a judicial process in this case is Rosario Robles, and even the Office of the Attorney General does not investigate the path of the transferred funds to find the ultimate beneficiaries of this scheme, but only Administrative omissions allegedly committed by Robles.

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Once this point in the process is revealed, prosecutors and the defense will seek what are called “evidentiary agreements,” that is, agreement on facts that will not be contested at trial. Examples include the agreements signed by Sedesol and Sedatu that were presented as evidence by the FGR, whose existence would be accepted by the defense.

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Then the discussion about the rest of the tests follows; Here the parties will have the opportunity to exclude or request that some not be accepted or deleted. It will be the judge who determines which evidence remains and which is ignored, so the case will be ready to advance to the trial stage.

It should be noted that the defense of the former federal official has a suspension granted by another judge so that no date is set, at least for the time being, to go to the aforementioned trial. This is until Robles’ protection petition is ruled in which he argues that the charges against him are no longer applicable.

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