ADEX asks a congressman to legislate for the benefit of the country

He asked them to understand the great responsibility they have for the development of Peru and with the defense of the people, which is the highest goal of society.

The President of the Association of Exporters (ADEX), Julio Pérez Alfán, asked the congressmen of the Republic to legislate in the best way in order to promote exports and thus contribute to the creation of jobs and the payment of taxes, so that the state can invest them for the benefit of the population and achieve the development of the country.

In the discussion of “Peruvian Legislation as a Window for Foreign Trade Opportunities” that was attended by First Deputy Speaker Martha Moyano Delgado, congressmen and businessmen from the sector, he expressed the need for such promotional initiatives. An example of an export ecosystem.

Perez Alvan asked them to understand the great responsibility they have towards Peru and in defending the people, which is the highest goal of society. “We are ready to come when we are called and we will implement laws that gather the opinions of the parties concerned and always represent better opportunities for everyone,” he said.

CIEN-ADEX estimated that exports would close 2022 at $69 billion, but did so at less than $5 billion due to political instability, something that cannot happen again. We have minimal participation in some of the markets with which we have free trade agreements. In Chile we make up 1.9% of its imports, in China 0.9% and in the United States 0.2%.

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In 1973, the year ADEX was established, shipments totaled 1112 million US dollars, while last year’s record of 63.200 million US dollars was broken, that is, it grew 56.83 times more. Conventional shipments increased by 45.83 times, and unconventional shipments increased by 145.23 times. The number of jobs increased from 879,807 to nearly 4,200,000, up 4.7 times.

Currently, only 6 sectors are exported with more than 1,000 million US dollars, 12 sectors are needed, and we have them. That is why, and with the power the Constitution gives them, members of Congress are called upon to provide opportunity through responsible legislation. He affirmed that they have to bear the obligation of legislation in favor of exports with the required speed in these times of rapid global changes.”

Although he highlighted the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Produce, PromPerú, and especially the Mincetur, which is characterized by its continuity in public policies – with the exception of the administration of the former Minister Roberto Sánchez -, Pérez Alvan saw that everything achieved was possible thanks to “despite” and not ” Because of the support needed by the export activity from various institutions.

He stressed that export is a comprehensive, decentralized activity, as it helps create formal and quality jobs, with better salaries and additional benefits, which is why it should be considered the main lever for development in Peru. “Legislation can and should help open up a world of opportunity,” he asserted.

He urged, “Social progress requires strong companies that provide jobs, pay taxes, and a government that invests them properly, but first, strengthening laws is required.”

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The union leader noted that ADEX 2023 will celebrate 50 years of tireless defense of exports, promoting the long path of Peruvian products and services towards identifying more markets.

“We need to develop non-traditional offices and work on diversifying products, services and markets as quickly as possible, and Peru will continue to sell goods This is fine, but our focus should be on value-added products, as they create more jobs and links between small, medium and large businesses,” he said.

He noted the union’s work with public institutions, such as the search for elite seed with the National Institute for Agricultural Innovation (INIA); And some successful cases of Peruvian companies such as those supplying mango, peach, custard apple, strawberry and pineapple concentrates to Guallarauco, the most important brand of juices and nectars in Chile (belonging to Coca Cola).

“Many companies in the textile and clothing chain provide formal employment opportunities, especially for young people and women; they produce and export high-level clothing to famous brands such as Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Grapevine, Lululemon, Hugo Boss, and others. Others supply Amazon chestnut oil and Ungorahoi oil to the Bodyshop in the UK and to the famous French cosmetics brand L’oreal,” Perez-Alvan added.

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In turn, after ADEX saluted the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, Congresswoman Moyano affirmed that Congress will direct the proposals and ideas of exporters to see later how to incorporate them into legislation, noting that exporting is not an easy task and that he knows from experience with Japan years ago when he wanted to buy a large amount of quail eggs.

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“The government has implemented cages in public kitchens but unfortunately the required size has not been achieved. It is clear that it is not only about having the will, but also having the capabilities, having enough space and infrastructure, and know how. We hope ADEX will help us get better legislation.”


The competition featured ADEX Apparel Committee Chairman César Tello Ramírez with his presentation “The Importance of Non-Traditional Export Law in Foreign Trade” and Timber Committee Chairman Eric Fischer Llanos with “Legislation as a Driver for the Forestry Sector: Sustainability and Commitments.”

Similarly, the Chairman of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, José Ernesto Muñoz Muñoz, with “Peruvian Legislation in the Aquaculture Sector, Challenges and Opportunities; and the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Trade Services, José Carlos Schroth Parra del Rijo with “Opportunities in Legislation on the Export of Services”.

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